We would all love a quick fix to the many issues, including extreme climate events, that are emerging in the face of Arctic ice melt and global warming. As a solution, geoengineering is a hot topic. It has been grabbing headlines, and many leading institutions have been ...

25 March 2024

Introducing Climate Risks Daily – your daily dose of extreme weather news from Arctic Basecamp:  A real-time, reliable daily aggregator of global news on climate change and its weather effects 

13 March 2024

Chocolate is threatened. So what would you do if you couldn’t give chocolate for Valentine’s day? US actor and climate advocate Rainn Wilson has all the answers. 

14 February 2024

Gealarmeerde actrices roepen BN’ers op om mee te doen aan Nationale Piskijker

13 February 2024

Arctic Basecamp will be at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos this week for the seventh time, but this time virtually as well as physically, launching new tools to help mitigate climate risks and hosting a programme of events that aims to kick-start policy decisions...

15 January 2024

Arctic Basecamp Unveils Groundbreaking AI Aggregator on Global Climate Risks at Davos and showcases its work in the World Economic Forum’s Metaverse

15 January 2024

Rotterdam-Based Arctic Basecamp Plays Significant Role in New Polar Metaverse by World Economic Forum

18 September 2023

Arctic Basecamp, een in Rotterdam gevestigde non-profit, speelt een belangrijke rol in de nieuwe Polar Metaverse van het World Economic Forum

18 September 2023

We’ve been following a warming spell in Greenland for a while, alerting about its strengthening last week and also touching upon it earlier this week in conjunction with the freeze in northern Europe. It has only gotten worse, and this has significant repercussions for t...

9 March 2023

The climate crisis is usually associated with overall planetary warming, but in some areas climate disruption brings abnormal colds. If you're in the UK, there's a good chance you've been pulling out that winter coat and possibly shovelling a bit of snow!

7 March 2023